Participants of Mediator Design Patter (based on Wikipedia)
Mediator - defines the interface for communication between Colleague objects.
ConcreteMediator - implements the Mediator interface and coordinates communication between Colleague objects. It is aware of all the Colleagues and their purpose with regards to inter communication.
ConcreteColleague - communicates with other Colleagues through its Mediator
Step 1: Create the Mediator interface
In the 1rst step we create the mediator interface:
1. public interface Mediator {
2. void setData( HashMap<String, Object> data );
3. HashMap<String, Object> getData();
4. }
Import the required classes and our Mediator is done.
Object will communicate over this interface with each other.
Step 2: Create the form
We create a simple GUI frame with two JTextField and two JButton, like this:
Step 3: Create the ConcreteMediator
To create the ConcreteMediator, implement the Mediator interface with our GUI Frame.
Change the
public class MediatorExample extends javax.swing.JFrame {
line to
public class MediatorExample extends javax.swing.JFrame imlements Mediator {
and implement the required methods, declared in Mediator interface:
public void setData(HashMap data) {and
textfield_info1.setText((String) data.get("info1"));
textfield_info2.setText((String) data.get("info2"));
public HashMap getData() {
HashMap data = new HashMap();
data.put("info1", textfield_info1.getText());
data.put("info2", textfield_info2.getText());
return data;
Import the required classes and our ConcreteMediator is done (textfield_info1 and textfield_info2 are the name of two JTextField instance variable).
Step 4: Create the ConcreteColleague
In our example the ConcreteColleague has two function:
it can open a new Frame and fill it with initial data throught the Mediator interface
it can process form data throught Mediator interface.
My code:
public class ImportantDataProcessor {
public void showImportantDataDialog() {
HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();
data.put("info1", "This information is very important!");
data.put("info2", "And Top Secret!");
MediatorExample frame = new MediatorExample();
public void processImportantData(Mediator mediator) {
HashMap<String,Object> data = mediator.getData();
String info1 = (String) data.get("info1");
String info2 = (String) data.get("info2");
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, info1 + "\n" + info2, "Important Information",
Import the required classes and our ConcreteColleague is done .
Step 5: Process the form
Now we write the onClick() events of the two buttons.
Exit button will close the application:
this.dispose();and the Process... button will start the form processing:
new ImportantDataProcessor().processImportantData(this);The "this" word refer to the GUI frame itself, what implements the Mediator interface.
Step 6: Start the application
Create a class, named Main, and put the following code:
public static void main(String[] args) {
new ImportantDataProcessor().showImportantDataDialog();
You can download sample code here as NetBeans project.
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